To draw the Master Masons of different Lodges into closer and more friendly relations.
To create and maintain a spirit of fraternity among us.
To discountenance jealousy, enmity and ill feeling.
To teach us that we are not only members of one Blue Lodge, but belong to the fraternity at large.
That there are good Masons outside of our own Blue Lodge and they are worthy friends and companions.
To build up and strengthen the character and individuality of the Mason, and to teach, recognize and develop the principles of Masonry outside the Lodge room.
To teach that a Mason is not judged by his actual appearance or worldly wealth.
The Grotto meets all Masons on the level, not figuratively, but actually and teaches that Masons are brothers on the street as well as in the Lodge room.
That Masonry must not be used as a means of advancing the material interest of any man.
To get out of the rut into which we too often fall.
To forget our cares, for there is good in all of us.
The Grotto is a social organization for Master Masons.